;; User behaviors
;; -----------------------------
;; Modify this file to add and subtract behaviors. Behaviors allow customization of
;; almost any aspect of LightTable e.g. show line numbers or current theme.
;; A behavior has the following format:
;; * A tag indicates in what context the behavior applies. Common tags are :app and :editor which respectively
;;   indicate the behavior can be used anywhere and the behavior only applies to editors.
;; * Behavior is the specific LightTable behavior to configure. To search available behaviors,
;;   start typing a search term after :TAG. Once you've found the desired behavior, press TAB to have autocomplete
;;   fill in the behavior name.
;; * Optional arguments are arguments to pass to a behavior. If a behavior has arguments they should
;;   pop up in an info box after the behavior has been autocompleted.
;; * For more on configuring behaviors see https://github.com/LightTable/LightTable/blob/master/doc/behavior-and-keymap-configuration.md.
 ;; To subtract a behavior, prefix the name with '-' e.g.
 ;;  [:app :-lt.objs.intro/show-intro]
 ;; The app tag is kind of like global scope. You assign behaviors that affect
 ;; all of Light Table to it.
 [:app    :lt.objs.style/set-skin      "dark"]
 [:app    :lt.objs.style/font-settings "Consolas" "10"]
 [:editor :lt.objs.style/set-theme     "default"]

 [:editor :lt.objs.editor/wrap]
 [:editor :lt.objs.editor/line-numbers]
 ;; Auto-close characters e.g. '{[("'
 [:editor :lt.objs.editor/autoclose-brackets]
 ;; Tab settings: Use real tabs, tab size in spaces, spaces per indent
 [:editor :lt.objs.editor/tab-settings false 4 4]
 [:editor :lt.objs.editor/set-rulers [{:lineStyle "dashed" :color "#444" :column 80}
                                     {:lineStyle "dashed" :color "#aff" :column 120}]]

 [:app             :lt.objs.plugins/load-js     "user_compiled.js"]
 [:app             :lt.objs.plugins/load-css    "/home/user/.config/LightTable/console.css"]

 [:app             :lt.plugins.python/python-exe "/usr/bin/python3"]
 [:editor.clojure  :lt.plugins.clojure/print-length 1000]
 [:user.hello      :lt.plugins.user/on-close-destroy]
 [:editor          :lt.plugins.visible-whitespace/show-whitespace]

 ;; show console after LT loads (does not work with LT0.8.1)
 [:app :lt.objs.app/run-post-init [:console-tab]]